Sunday, September 28, 2008

Embrace the Suck

Army port-a-potties the world over (I can speak to the US, Germany, Kuwait, Qatar, and Iraq, at least) are full of some of the crudest, funniest, and wisest graffiti ever. My personal favorite, scrawled or scratched into at least one potty in ever place I've ever been, is "Embrace the Suck."

"Army Strong," "Army of One," "Be All You Can Be" aside, "Embrace the Suck" is the real Army motto. The wisdom is simple and powerful. War sucks. Soldiering sucks. The Army sucks. Deal with it. Get over it. Accept it. Embrace it.

I think I'm close.

Just came back from 5 days in the woods. Slept in the dirt. Got rained on. Tore my hands up taking machine guns apart in the dark. Got real stinky. In short, it sucked.

But on day three or four (we lose track), we had hot chow trucked out to the woods. It had stopped raining. The sun was setting behind the North Carolina woods, through a break in the rainclouds. The truck was blaring 80's R&B as they pulled up, and we convinced them to open the doors and turn it up. Before long, plate full of lukewarm spaghetti in hand, funky buddies at my side, and bad music in background, I was as happy as can be. It wasn't long before our pint-sized First Sergeant started screaming about something or other, but it was wonderful while it lasted.

Better yet, last night, our field days over, we rolled back into the FOB. I've never been happier to see broken showers, a crowded tent, and a dining hall full of bland food. I'm learning to embrace the suck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Embrace the suck! I love it. Whenever I start feeling sorry myself and complain about some situation I put myself in, even for what I believe to be a greater good, I speak to my brother. In short, he tells me to get over it and realize that I've put myself in that situation. In other words, embrace the suck because you're there for a reason and by not embracing the suck, you're only making life miserable for yourself because those around you will only be as miserable as they want to be...Embrace the suck.