Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Governor

It's my second full day here and I'm having lunch (along with several of my colleagues) with the Governor of Parwan Province and his staff. It's gonna be a busy year.

P.S. Anybody got an extra "Obama Elected President" newspaper they can spare? They're a little hard to come by in central Asia.


Anonymous said...


The Williams College Adopt An EPH Program wants to send you stuff. The first box contains a pillow and gold pillowcases.

Can you send your mailing address to the guy who created it?


The guy who created it! StewMenking @

Class of 79. Thanks!

Eve said...

Yo Felipe,

Until you wrangle a copy, check out this slideshow of Nov. 5newspapers around the country.


Eve said...

Nov. 5 newspaper slideshow;

Unknown said...

Flipper, Adriana asked me to get her an LA Times, but since I'm a chronically late sleeper, I had to settle for two copies of La Opinion.

I'll give her one copy and keep the other one safe for your return.

--Alex S.