Saturday, January 10, 2009

Pizza Hut and Holiday Cheer

Just realizing that I hadn't posted in a while and figured I should check in. Since I've got nothing terribly insightful to share, the two things on my mind at the moment will have to do.
First, have a mentioned that there's a Pizza Hut on base? And that they deliver? Yup. War. American style. Extra cheese. I think of this because while I was at the gym tonight, trying to run off my substantial chow hall dinner (that's another story), this guy walks in the back door carrying a stack of pizzas. "What a jerk," I thought, figuring someone was trying to taunt those of us struggling to be healthy. Then it hit me- "I'm in Afghanistan, at the gym, and someone just had pizza delivered." This isn't Apocalypse Now. It's Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
Second, I can't lie. The holidays sucked. I missed home. It wasn't awful. It just wasn't warm and safe and familiar and all that great stuff that the holidays can be. The consistent bright spot, however, was the near daily outpouring of love and support, via e-mail, letter, card, package, picture, and kind thoughts that kept me going through it all. Friends old and new, family distant and close, and many, many kind strangers helped to brighten the darkest winter days.  Thanks and love to all.


Anonymous said...

I heart Felipe. miss you.

Anonymous said...

The holidays were not the same here either. Miss you, next year will be better. Thanks for posting I was starting to worry.

Anonymous said...

Ryan Friedrichs here brother, just wanted to give a happy 2009, and send some thanks and admiration for the time you're putting. Same grad email forwards to me, does yours get to you? Would love to trade some thoughts if you're able.

Anonymous said...

You know, Ive been craving pizza. So, Im guessing that if I got out there with you and hit the gym with you, that would be the fastest way for me to get my pizza. Pizza while we run and chat! :-)

mayraperez said...

Im sure that you know that the pizza comment came from me your "BIG" sister! lol

Unknown said...

The Mayor's Office isn't the same without you. Missing you in LA and I hope you have a safe new year. We can have all the pizza you want when you get back :)

Unknown said...

Hi Felipe. I have some school supplies and stuffed animals to send over to you for the kids. How can I get them over to you?

Anonymous said...

Hello my brother from another mother! I'm proud of you and the hard work you're doing every day. We miss you too and think of you every day.

Perhaps this new administration under the leadership of Obama will help you in achieving your goals. I know that we sure hope so here. Hope! Change! These are wonderful things!

Love ya, man. :: laateo

felipe perez said...

Felipe, encontramos un lugar de pizza que sabemos te va a encantar, solo esperamos que regreses para comernos una juntos. Tus Papas